Autumn Adventure

One of my hobbies is motorcycling. Over the past few Autumns I’ve been collecting images from adventures I and my husband have been on.

As we ride through the mountain curves and tight twists the views are breathtaking. The smell of the fresh mountain air and the wind blowing past me is so freeing and empowering. Being surprised by a wild animal zipping by in front of us adds an element of excited fear. Fear that I almost hit an animal. Fear that I could have went down trying prevent a collision. However, so far, that hasn’t happened. It’s a total adrenaline rush.

I’m a huge fan of night rides. I love seeing the moon and stars. That’s for another video though. Today, I’d like to share with you my experience of the day views of the mountains and the curving twisting roads. One element I love also is water. Many of my images include water.

So, click play and watch this short, quaint, and fun video of my adventures through the lens. Afterward, click through to the the art gallery to see my artwork. You will also find a link to the online market to purchase products with my artwork printed on them.

If you have any questions regarding a photo session you can click contact me with your questions.

Growth Mindset

According to mindset works:

When students and educators have a growth mindset, they understand that intelligence can be developed. Students focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. Based on years of research by Stanford University’s Dr. Dweck, Lisa Blackwell Ph.D., and their colleagues, we know that students who learn this mindset show greater motivation in school, better grades, and higher test scores.

Here’s two videos that explain and describe growth mindset as they know it:

An online educator: Khan Academy and what they offer to educate and help people grow.

This video is one of Ted Talks with Angela Lee Duckworth, Psychologist.

Nobody is born to be experts immediately. We learn and grow.

A quote from Shabbir Dahod of tracelink:

While intelligence is required, Angela demonstrated that the determining factors for success were perseverance, hard work and a drive to improve.” – Shabbir Dahod, tracelink

Where does that drive to improve come from?

When we were babies learning to do the basic things like cooing, rolling over, crawling, talking, walking we were encouraged by our family and friends. When one is encouraged they are inspired and motivated to improve and do more. As a child grows they lean in one direction or the other in what interests them. With encouragement they develop those interests. Even if someone isn’t strong in one area, they can learn and grow.

It all comes down to positive mental attitude. Negative doesn’t breed positive. So, we need to have a positive mindset along with the drive to improve. It helps to surround oneself with positive people who support you.

I am a Mindset Life Coach. I facilitate people to learn to change their perception of life so they can have a positive outlook and improve themselves.

When you find yourself stuck in life and need a nudge to move forward a coach [there’s many different types of coaching] is helpful to shed some light on life.

Contact me today for some coaching sessions to help you move forward in life.

Promoting Passion and Inspiration

We all need inspiration from time to time. Heck, most of the time. We can be very distracted by everything around us, or even from within us.

One of my most favorite inspirations comes from a photographer that I love: Brooke Shaden. I first learned of her through the folks where Brooke taught an online class for them about Mastering Your Craft. She inspires me. Below is a video she created to promote passion, the name of her website. I love that. Also, if you’re a Winnie-The-Pooh fan like me, you’ll love this video. Watch is and be inspired.


Watch the video. It speaks for itself.

What’s holding you back?

For me, it’s fear of the unknown. It’s fear of not being good enough. It’s fear of how others perceive me. It’s fear; plain and simple.

Why do we fear? Here’s an excerpt from the article Angela Percival (Fear of the Unknown and How the Mind Works) wrote:

When we are experiencing factors in life that are unknown, especially issues around security, this can trigger survival instincts and the ‘flight or fight’ responses. If we are not sure that we are secure in the world, the fear can be intense – for example, if we have lost our job and aren’t sure how we will pay our bills. Even if the change is positive, like getting married, we can still feel elements of fear as we are fundamentally making a change and the consequences of that change are as yet unknown to us.

It’s all a matter of processing and how we perceive life. I went through a mindset reset a couple years ago. It’s something I still struggle with. We all do.

Chase after your dream! If you have obstacles, remove them. No excuses!

Contact me if you feel you need help. Coaching sessions are helpful.

Defining Yourself

Daily we’re faced with doubts, fears and all manner of negativity. It comes from all types of sources.

Don’t let other people define you. It’s not their life; it’s not their story. Live your own life, and write your own story. Define yourself. -Uknown

When faced with these challenges it’s hard to not allow it get to us. I go through this too. I was bullied for a very long time.

Bullies have issues too. The reason they are bullies is because they don’t know how to handle their issues. The way they handle their {monsters within} is to attack other people to try to control them.

When others see in you what they fear they fight back to try to block it out.

Watch this TEDx video and see an example of what this gal did to overcome her self doubt and bullying: How Do You Define Yourself? Click the link.

zig ziglar quote

Don’t give anyone permission to control you. Show them the door and send them on their way.

Some tips to help:

  1. Have a good support system around you.
  2. Look in the mirror each day and tell yourself, “This is going to be a good day!” and make it so.
  3. Do something positive for yourself and anyone who happens to cross your path in the process.
  4. As the quote goes: “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Be an example.

Please share your experience. Let others know they can get through it, because it has been done. Letting others know they’re not alone in all this is an encouragement and a hope to keep going.

I Will Fight

I Will Fight

This Christian life is not easy.

I have an Enemy that is real.
I face battles that feel overwhelming.
There are times when I’m tired and I want to give up.

I will fight.

I Will Fight is an audio track recorded by Pastor Steven Furtick to help you get focused and to prepare you for the challenges ahead. Download the free track and build it into your daily rhythm. Whether you’re getting ready to work out, to suit up for your next game, or you’re in the car in need of a quick lift, you have an unstoppable God whose strength and power can help you push through and continue the fight – no matter what you’re facing.

You need guidance to move forward? Contact me NOW for life coaching sessions! We’ll work together to help you move forward.

“The Doctors” share health benefits of massage therapy

Watch this short video to hear benefits of massage therapy.

It’s important to notice the warming signs of pain. When pain is present, dis-ease is present.

There’s a list of the benefits of massage linked on this site. Check them out to see if massage will benefit you. If so, contact a massage therapist who can help you by using AMTA’s FAM [American Massage Therapy Association — Find A Massage Therapist] option.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, contact me. I’ll do my best to answer your question. If I do not know the answer, I’ll find it for you or refer you to someone who is able to help you.

Don’t forget; stretching helps prevent injury in activities. Stretch before and after a work out to avoid injury.

Mindset: Fat talk

What does your inner voice tell you?

Disclaimer: While I am not endorsing Special K, I do endorse the message being sent in the video.

Watch this video:

We’ve all been brought up listening to everyone and everything around us. That includes negative talk. It sends subliminal messages to us about ourselves. We then adopt those things we’ve seen and heard without realizing it.

We are not defined by our circumstances. We do not have to accept the negative feedback. We can fight it. We can trade the negative for positive.

Learn to reset your inner voice and mindset to a more positive mindset.

Contact me for some Life Coaching session today.


Let’s get motivated

Restore your mind, body & soul

This video is powerful in that it challenges one to just get moving.

Do you struggle to just get out of bed each day? Watch this video.

When you feel stuck it’s time to get unstuck. What’s the obstacles in the way? Contact me to setup life coaching sessions to propel you to your dream. You don’t know what your dream is? Let’s work that out.

We all have a dream. I can help you come to know your dream.

Contact me NOW!