Simple Self-massage for Arthritis

As part of the Study “Rheumatoid arthritis in upper limbs benefits from moderate pressure massage therapy,” conducted by Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine,participants were taught a self-massage protocol that proved helpful in reducing the pain associated with their arthritis.

The following self-massage is specific to the arm and shoulder:

  • Stroking. Stroking from the wrist to the shoulder with moderate pressure, then from the shoulder back to the wrist three times. On the top of the hand, stroke from the wrist to the tips of the fingers and back to the wrist. Repeat on the underside of the arm.
  • Milking. On the top of the arm, cup fingers with thumb on the underside, pulling the flesh between them and gradually moving down to wrist and back up to shoulder from the wrist. Again, use moderate pressure. Repeat on bottom of the arm.
  • Friction. Make circular movements with four fingers on top of the arm, moving across the shoulder and down the arm and top of hand. Repeat same on underside of arm.
  • Skin rolling. Similar to the milking, squeeze the arm between the fingers and the thumb, then crawl fingers across skin with moderate pressure, first on top of arm and then underside of the arm and top of shoulder.

It’s beneficial to get regular massages for arthritis pain management. Massage also helps one have better sleep. “Sleep disturbances are a real contributor to pain syndrome,” notes Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine.“It’s sort of like a vicious cycle because you have sleep disturbance, then you have pain syndrome, and when you have pain syndrome, you can’t sleep.”

If you or anyone you know suffers from chronic pain and would like to attain a better quality of life, those in the Inland Empire region, please contact me today to book a session.

What Is Vulnerability?

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” – Dr Brené Brown

Vulnerable is defined as – being fully exposed emotionally. Allowing your soul to be seen.

Below Dr Brené Brown’s TED Talk video where she talks about her journey of research into vulnerability’s power.

We spend our lives hiding and numbing our emotions.

4 tips to be more vulnerable:

  1. Find out the root cause! It could be pride, fear of hurting or being hurt by someone. It could be a defense mechanism. Take your time to work it out.
  2. Reassure yourself! – Be positive. Tell yourself it’s safe to let go. Make that your mantra!
  3. Speak up! – It’s important to convey these emotions and get past your doubt conveying them.
  4. Strengthen your open habit! – Reward yourself somehow and keep being yourself and speaking your mind as much as possible.

Slowing Down!

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” –Lily Tomlin

Do you find yourself rushing around in a hurry to get reports, articles, etc. finished?

Watch this 19:18 minute video produced by TED Talks.

Carl Honore` : In praise of slowness

Here’s five tips for slowing down:

  1. Just breath!
  2. Take a midday break and nap or just listen to some slow relaxing music.
  3. Sit quietly with a loved one for 1/2 an hour.
  4. Drink Chamomile tea.
  5. Unplug.

Personal Habits


We all have habits. As you can read in the image, the definition of habit. Today I’m referring to b. in that image. An established disposition of the mind or character. Characteristics. What are characteristics? It is an identifying attribute, or feature.

Our habit can be shaped by the environment and habits of others. We build our attitudes from what we hear and see from others we are influenced by. That is not always a good thing. For example, if we are influenced by a criminal we’ll build our mental habit from what we’ve seen and heard them do. Not realizing that it is not the best choice. As I’ve posted about before, we make choices everyday. Even no choice is a choice. If you do not choose for yourself, someone else will choose for you. You may find that it was not the choice you wanted. Where does that leave you?

As a Christian, I work hard and focus on being Christ like. That means I need to have Christ like characteristics. Reading through God’s Word we can find many scriptures that speak of HIS character. For me, it’s highly important to build those characteristics in me because in doing so it will help me to build my personal habits. Two main scripture are: Ephesians 5 & Galatians 5.

Positive personal habits will afford you to be more successful in your journey.

“Habits like blogging often and regularly, writing down the way you think, being clear about what you think are effective tactics, ignoring the burbling crowd and not eating bacon. All of these are useful habits.” -Seth Godin

Here’s a few tips to building good personal habits:

  1. Turn off all electronics for at least two nights a week.
  2. Make a list of your dreams and passions in life.
  3. Find positive people or a group(s) to participate in that exude good habits.
  4. Read positive material.

My challenge to you is:

  • This week, start applying these tips. Come back here and comment on how you’re doing. Also, feel free to ask questions.

“You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life’.” -Wayne Dyer

If you’re feeling stuck and need help getting unstuck, contact me for some life coaching sessions. It’s OK to ask for help. The bad part is knowing you need help and never asking for it. Please ask!

The Inner Voice

the inner voice

The inner voice is typically critical, telling you that you are never going to amount to anything. The inner voice guides you. So, if your inner voice is critical and negative you will live a negative lifestyle.

What is the inner voice? It is internal talk one has with oneself at a conscious or semi-conscious level. What is your inner voice telling you?

If you are at odds with yourself and you are feeling stuck or in a rut you may be interested in life coaching sessions to find balance in your life. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I doing with my life?
  • Am I living out my passion and dream?
  • Do I think the world is against me?
  • Do I feel that I’m going nowhere in life?

If you answered yes to more than one of these then you might be a good candidate for personal development coaching.

Contact me today for a complimentary consultation to evaluate your needs.

How To Be Optimistic About Life

Do you see the glass half full or half empty? We’ve all been asked that question. The prescribed way of thinking is that when you see the glass half full you’re optimistic. When you see the glass half empty you’re pessimistic. Negative mindset thinkers are pessimistic.

Do you go through life feeling like your lot in life is to never have anything and you always lose out on the good deals?

There is a way to overcome this kind of thinking. It is called mindset transformation. A different way of thinking. We tend to believe the lies told to us by society and those around us.

Here are 5 steps to reset your way of thinking to reverse the pessimism.

Follow these steps:

  1. You have a choice in how you think and live. When a situation arises and your inner voice starts telling you negativity, stop everything you are doing. Think it through. Instead of believing lies, trade them with truths.
  2. Evaluate your sphere of influence. Do you have energy drainers surrounding you? Energy drainers or toxic people who suck the life out of you. Remove the toxic relationships. Once you do that, then you are able to change your thoughts.
  3. Create positive affirmations and repeat them until it becomes second nature. Use these five to get you started:
    • I am beautiful.
    • I am kind.
    • I am loved.
    • I am enough.
    • I can do anything.
  4. Don’t take anything personally:
    • Nothing others do is because of you.
    • What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
    • When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
  5. Create a gratitude journal and post in it every day posting things and ways you are grateful and change your attitude to express more gratitude.

I also offer personal development coaching sessions to help you along.