I’ve always been a servant and helper to people. My goal is to help you explore and develop your inner awesome so you will be successful in life, and an option of, documenting your life’s experiences through storytelling photography and fine art photography that will help in your healing as well as to create a legacy of memories. Art therapy is healing in that it elicits emotion and draws from your soul to aid in your healing and mental wellness.
It’s all about the experience. It’s about having fun. It’s about making lasting memories. I’d like to be there to help you enjoy the experience. It doesn’t matter if you would like to document bungee jumping or a major milestone you are experiencing. Once the experience is over, the experience is gone. Whatever your need: mindset coaching, or to document something in your life with photography, I would love to help you achieve it.
Click here to choose which service fits your needs. If you have any questions you can contact me here.
I’ve struggled throughout my life with mindset issues. I mentally beat myself up trying to be perfect. I found myself associating with others who also mentally beat themselves up. That did none of us any favors. After marrying my 2nd husband and finding myself in quite a mental pickle I knew I had to make some changes and improve myself. Education is very important to me. I am a lifelong learner. I love the quote:
“Learning never exhausts the mind.” Leonardo da Vinci
Most of us have heard the phrase: “Knowledge is power!” Here’s another quote I love:
“The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.” Henry Ford
My husband and I live in the OC of Southern California. We are avid motorcyclists and enjoy the mountain curves and twists. I love learning new things. It’s important for me to keep my mind active.
A New Life Oasis – Life Coaching Philosophy is: focus on the client and always provide the right information. Focusing on the client means listening carefully to client needs, facilitating a plan and being aware of the client’s comfort throughout a session. Right information means being happy to provide information that is easy to understand, in plain language, so the client is able to make their own decisions. I am always learning to better serve and help you.